

Ta_ChSp_TFL1 (Chinese Spring Wheat) DATA PHYSICALIZATION VISUALIZING AGRICULTURE In September 2016, the Southern Alberta Art Gallery and the Data Physicalization Lab at the University of Lethbridge invited six artists to participate in a residency, documentary film, and exhibition that asked them to [...]



Accomplishments PERSONAL DATA TRACKING Data Physicalization Accomplishment is an exploration of personal data tracking, wearable art, wearable technology, social media, and data physicalization. Each day I tracked my completed accomplishments, first on paper then by sewing spheroid masses onto a dress I [...]



Convergence LANDMARKS2017/REPERES2017 photo by Migueltzinta Solis Description During Canada150, the LandMarks2017 initiative invited people to creatively explore and deepen their connection to the land through a series of contemporary art projects in and around Canada’s National Parks and Historic Sites. Convergence was inspired by [...]



Lace Description An investigation into the notions of identity, masculinity, and femininity. The process of the making of the object, from 3D modeling to plasma cutting to the final product is made transparent through the layering of audio, video, the final product, and its [...]

Back to Basics


Back to Basics HOW TO LEARN AND ENJOY TRADITIONAL AMERICAN SKILLS photo by SAAG MEET ME IN THE MIDDLE Back to Basics is focused on the revival of past traditions, craft and labour. This theme began with a book I received from my [...]

Reduce, Reuse, Re:psychic


Reduce, Reuse, Re:psychic COPRODUCTION WITH MARIA MADACKY AND M.E.D.I.U.M. Trash Talk In preparation for Trash Talk, local artist Maria Madacky sketched at recycling sites on campus and took photographs at the City of Lethbridge Waste and Recycling Centre as well as discussed issues [...]

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